
Well, here we go again!

We hope you and your loved ones are well and coping with the choppy waters of 2021. 

I wanted to quickly share our approach to the current lockdown around the UK.

Tom Pigeon studio is currently well and working from home as much as possible. We are still accepting your orders and for now have allocated Monday and Thursday as post days when we will send out your parcels. We will continue to monitor the situation very carefully and will keep you posted if anything changes.

Our new Liverpool studio is still accessible and we will be taking every precaution when coming in to pack your orders. Please be assured that we are taking all hygiene precautions as recommended by the UK government and working in shifts to keep our staff safe. Currently Royal Mail is still delivering post as normal but please be aware that some delays may occur and overseas parcels may be particularly affected at this time.

As I’m sure you are aware things might change rapidly and we will let you know as soon as possible if they do. In the meantime please please keep shopping… for all small independent companies, this is going to be a super-challenging year so please stick with us and support all of your local small businesses where you can.

Thanks, stay indoors, look out for each other and stay safe kids!


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